Questions from Rosemary Johnson[ACW Official 2022]
Encourage In a secular world, to what extent do you feel validated by being around Christian writers?
Have you made use of any of the following: Members’ Services (critiques on writing, available only to members)? – No. Tips, help and guidance in the Writing Craft section of the website? - No Submission opportunities in the Writing Craft section of the website? - No Can you give examples of specific leads or helpful advice given by ACW members you’ve met online or face-to-face?
Inspire is defined as ‘to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it’ ( I do you feel inspired, energised, motivated, and more confident being around other ACW members whether at writers’ days, the ACW Facebook (Group), Local writing group or genre specific writing groups such as the TRELLIS Poetry, More than Writers and Biblical Christian fiction. The bible says “ Iron sharpeneth iron”. This is my experience. I am inspired by the above groups through the experiences I benefit from, enabling me not to rest on my laurels, not to get distracted by social media, motivated to keep on writing by having to attend book launches almost every month or congratulate members for new books they have published or getting to review books of members. These act as inspiration to continue writing, to continue being fruitful and produce forth. These groups make me feel like a tree planted by ‘the rivers of waters’. My only setback which I need further encouragement, equipping and inspiration is to be able to Self-publish my own books from scratch to finish successfully. I know that in time, being around other ACW members who have done this successfully will eventually rub on me as well. Thank you very much. Blessings. |